Rhonda P. Webb, MD
Welcome to Pagosa Springs Medical Center
On behalf of everyone at Pagosa Springs Medical Center, I want to welcome you. Our entire staff is dedicated to providing safe, high quality, patient-centered care. Thank you for entrusting us with your medical care. If you have comments or concerns that you feel need to be shared, please reach out to me.
Thank you,
Rhonda P. Webb, MD
Rhonda P. Webb, MD, serves as both the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Medical Officer of Pagosa Springs Medical Center (PSMC). In her previous leadership roles, Dr. Webb served as Medical Director of Patient Safety and Quality for the Willis-Knighton Health System in northwest Louisiana, where she focused on improvements to the quality of patient care and as a key liaison between administrators and physicians. Dr. Webb was also a practicing nephrologist for two decades. Dr. Webb’s focus and commitment is to provide quality, compassionate care for all.