Financial Assistance

Pagosa Springs Medical Center has a financial assistance option available to you.

PSMC is committed to extending financial assistance to qualifying patients.  PSMC offers financial counseling, and all information discussed remains confidential.  If payment could create a financial hardship for you, our staff will work with you to apply for one or more of the following programs.

Hospital Discounted Care: Find information on the Hospital Discounted Care program.

Medicaid: Our Financial Counselors will assist patients with Medicaid Eligibility Applications.

Financial Assistance Program: Pagosa Springs Medical Center sponsors a program to provide reduced fees based on specific criteria related to income and dependents excluding those patients that qualify for the Colorado Hospital Discounted Care Program.  Applications will be processed and approval will be determined based on specific criteria.  PSMC will not discriminate in the determination of financial assistance eligibility on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, age, or disability.

For application information or to speak with a patient accounts representative please contact PSMC’s billing department directly at 970-507-3939.

Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm MST.
